Professional Sleeper: Snooze for a living!

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If you are one of those people who struggle to rise in the morning and could quite happily lay
in bed all day then you might want to look into a career as a professional sleeper.

Professional sleepers are lucky enough to get paid for sleeping as part of sleep research projects.
These projects help scientists and doctors figure out the mysteries behind numerous sleep disorders. There is lot said and read about sleeping.

Pat Phillips from Boston, Massachusetts is a professional sleeper. Pat is paid to participate in sleep research projects at area hospitals.

The salary for professional sleepers is $15,000 annually but can vary due to company, location and experience.

The benefits and the disorders of sleeping also its effect on body and mind, so how the doctors and researchers know all about it? Obviously they have to actually do the practical on someone who is sleeping. That’s how the professional sleeper job generated. Since it is a very important requirement for the researchers, they pay the sleeper well. Typically, professional sleepers participate in university studies on sleep or dreams, but other snoozers make sure beds are comfortable. Also, in a 2009 art show at The New Museum of Contemporary Art, women were paid to catch sleep as part of a “living art” exhibition. Not just doctors, but the students who are doing some researches on brain activity or dreams would also need professional sleeper. A professional sleeper will have a bunch of cords, wires, and research equipment put on them while they are sleeping. The students watch the brains activity and take notes on it while the person is sleeping.

An average salary for a professional sleeper could be around $15,000 per annum per it varies greatly due to company, location, industry and experience of the individual. Some places they received $10 an hour to sleep.

The job’s requirement is very simple; you get a very good sleep. And you can have a sound sleep in the middle of the hullabaloo of people and don’t mind having wires and tapes put all over you. What could go easier than just sleeping to earn your living?

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